LANE MACHINE TRAINING REQUEST FORM Contact Name Contact Position Organization/Company * Street Address * City * State / Province Zip / Postal Code * Country * Work Phone * Email Address * Machine Serial Number * Is this the lane machine you would like training for? Yes No If "No", what machine model would you like training for? Variable Buffer Speed Upgrade * Yes No Cleaner Mixing System Upgrade * Yes No Conditioner "A" Used * Conditioner "B" Used Current Cleaner Used * Current Cloth Used * Pinsetter Brand & Type * AMF 8230 AMF 8270 AMF 8290 Brunswick A2 GS10 GS98 GSX Other Number of Lanes * Underlayment/Foundation * Wood Lanes Brunswick 42" Levelers AMF Levelers Other/Unknown Lane Surface Type * AMF HPL AMF SPL/SPL2 Anvilane Bruns Anvilane Bruns Pro Bruns Pro Lane Murrey Other Synthetic Synthetic/Wood If synthetic what is the install year? Comments Congrats, you did it!Have a nice day :)