Clean and Condition Your Approaches
Balance is the all-in-one solution to maximize the performance of your synthetic approaches. With one product you can create an even and uniform surface for optimal slide conditions. When used properly, Balance makes sliding the same from gutter to gutter. Clean and condition your approaches in one simple application. Use with a rotary buffer.
Cleans and Conditions in One Application
For Synthetic Approaches
Use with a Rotary Buffer
Part Number: 156-8320
Case: 4 - 16 oz. bottles
Balance works by pulling up the material that gets embedded in the texture of the approach, and conditions leaving a clean sliding surface. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) will clean the surface, but it will not effectively clean the build-up that gets into the texture of the approach.
Balance is not a treatment like other products that may make the approach slick. Balance is an approach cleaner and conditioner all-in-one. The goal of Balance is to improve slide conditions by equalizing the slide characteristics from gutter to gutter.
Most centers will only need to apply Balance once a week. In centers with heavy open play lineage, it may be necessary to use Balance every 5 days. IPA can be used to spot treat the approaches between applications.
Balance is non-flammable and will clean and condition the approach in one step. IPA is flammable and will only effectively clean the surface of the approach.